various stuff

Well, Friday, I added the panels into my Donna Noble skirt and started beading, and Chase and I went out for sushi and saw Monsters University (it was cute).
Aaaand then the next morning Chase woke up with food poisoning. I felt so bad for him!
So I spent all day Saturday doing more beading, so I could stay nearby. Yesterday I started on one of his Dragoncon projects. So, here are pictures…

Beading on friday…

Beginning the beading of the bodice! Thank goodness I have like, 5 million glass beads already on | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

My Her Universe Rogue Squadron dress came! So I wore it to the movie Friday night 🙂

More beading.

Just keep beading! | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

Saturday the mail came, and with it, a surprise!

a gift from my husband :)

I had sent that to Chase last week telling him I wanted it, because 1. it’s a metal lunchbox, which I have always casually collected, 2. it’s a DISNEYWORLD metal lunchbox, and 3. it was made the year I was born. I didn’t know he’d actually get it for me (I send him stuff I want all the time LOL) so it was a really nice surprise and I’m super happy to have it!

And more beading!

Just keep beading! | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

Here’s the dress as of Saturday night. ONe side of the back is also done. I still need to finish the other side, that one small spot in the front (I left it bare for the moment because I caught a place where the chiffon was slipping out at the seam so I wanted to fix it before I put beads there), and then go down the skirt to about the waist.

Threw the partially beaded dress on the dressform to see how it's looking, and to mark how far down I need to go with the | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

Also, the panels don’t look that great. The skirt is cut on the bias, but I didn’t have enough fabric left to the panels like that, and I had to take what I could get out of it. So it hangs a little funny, but c’est la vie, it’s just for fun.

And Chase’s project…

My husband's Zaphod costume in-progress.This project took a little longer than Trillian. I used a pirate coat pattern as a starting off | My Facebook Page | Tumblr | Instagram

That black fabric picks up EVERY. SINGLE. PIECE of white FEATHERS, white FUR, white THREADS and white FUZZ from my various white projects I’ve been working on the past few months. My lint roller is working overtime.